
John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America seven times. In 1990 he helped build a school in San Pedro, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. In 1994 he delivered relief supplies to a Quiché Maya community in the Western highlands of Guatemala. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and seven books.

As a visiting scholar, Jenkins has taught classes at The Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, The Maya Calendar Congress in Mexico, The Esalen Institute, Naropa University and many other venues both nationally and abroad. He has been interviewed on numerous radio and television shows. Last October, the Discovery Channel featured John's work on two episodes of the "Places of Mystery" series, which continue to be broadcast regularly on the Travel Channel.

John discussed Mayan cosmology and the original prophecy of 2012. He has made a number of trips to Mexico and Central America to study ancient Mayan culture first hand. While not a hi-tech civilization, they were able to perfect an "inner spiritual technology" that allowed them access to higher wisdom, he said, noting that their King would serve as kind of shaman who made vision journeys.

The cycle-ending date of December 21st, 2012 is an "artifact of the Mayan calendrical system," said Jenkins, whose approach has been to reconstruct the original prophecy by examining relics such as a carved monument at Izapa. The date in 2012 points to a time when our sun will be in alignment with the center of the galaxy, and references to this alignment are encoded in numerous Mayan institutions and ceremonies, he shared.

But Jenkins does not believe that the Mayans intended for 2012 to be viewed as a final ending, but rather a time of transformation and renewal. This rare "galactic midnight," or alignment occurs every 26,000 years and is like an opening conduit bringing more energy into our system, shaking things up in preparation for greater vibrations, he explained. 2012 is also a symbol for transcending time, which he believed the Mayans were able to do.