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2012 & Der Geheimnisvolle Venusknoten
von Karl-Heinz Homann
Was haben Maya-Forscher, „2012 Propheten“ und Astronomen gemeinsam? Antwort: Sie alle wissen nichts Genaues über die geheimnisvolle und harmonische Knotenbewegung der Venus und deren besondere Bedeutung für die Erde!
John Major Jenkins, Maya Experte und Autor von "Galactic Alignment", hat herausgefunden, dass im Jahre 2012 der Mayakalender seinen Höhepunkt bzw. sein Ziel erreicht hat. Dann zeigt die Sommer-Sonnenwende genau auf das Galaktische Zentrum. Gleichzeitig sind seit 2856 v. Chr. 20 x 251 Venus-Zyklen abgelaufen, denn am 6.6.2012 haben wir wieder einen Venus-Transit.
Außer diesen beiden Ereignissen, die Ausrichtung auf das galaktische Zentrum und den Venus Transit, der von einer synchronen Knotenbewegung abhängt, gibt es nichts, was die Aufmerksamkeit auf das Jahr 2012 richten könnte.

Es steht aber nicht bloß ein gewöhnlicher Zeitalterwechsel bevor, sondern das Ende eines kosmischen Jahres und der Beginn eines völlig neuen. Wir haben die rund 25.860-jährige Präzession vollendet und wechseln dadurch vom strahlungsschwächsten, finstersten Zeitalter, dem Fischezeitalter, in das strahlungshöchste, das Wassermannzeitalter. Zugleich mit dem Fischezeitalter endet auch das "Kali - Yuga", das Zeitalter der Sünde nach indo - arischer Definition.
Aufgrund der gemeinsamen Wirkung von Präzession und eliptischer Kreisbahn um die große Zentralsonne* (=Zwillingssonne?) steht nun eine völlig andere göttlich - kosmische Einstrahlung und ein dramatischer Umsturz der Verhältnisse auf der Erde bevor. Dies insbesondere, weil die große Zentralsonne - die "Schwarze Sonne" alter Mythen - als diesseitige Kraftquelle der Gottheit anzusehen ist, deren klärendes Licht bald ungestört seinen Einfluß ausüben wird.

*Die große Zentralsonne ist in meinem Verständnis das schwarze Loch, dessen Umkreisung 225 Millionenen Jahre dauert und die Zwillingssonne ist der Himmelskörper, den das Sonnensystem in 25.860 Jahren umrundet (Präzession).

Dieser Text liegt nur auf Englisch vor - taken from: www.sangraal.com

The Golden Dawn of a New Millennium:
Ten Equinoxes to Cosmic Consciousness

The Great Cross
Every 13,000 years or so, our planet and the solar system clicks into place as part of a larger, intergalactic pattern of geometry. To even begin to grok this one, we must think large, very large. At the center,where the spiral arms converge, a large lump of intense energy boils away.

Gravity is a function of matter's geometric structure, forming patterns of attractiveness that function as a fractal ratio of density or distance. In the very center of the gravity lens formed by the stickiness of matter in this dissipative structure called a galaxy, we find that the force of gravity is intense enough to collapse matter in on itself, forming what is called a black hole. If we think of this as a point where all frequencies and velocities become infinite, and therefore beyond the space/time limitations of our radiationally experienced universe, then the idea of such a super-black hole has distinct implications for consciousness.

Because we experience reality as a by-product of photon emission and exchange, as shown by Einstein's relativity theories, we are subject to a space-like and time-like continuum of events. This prevents us from observing the embedded patterns of mind, those indications of meaning that emerge as synchronicity from a developing sentience. The collapse of matter into a flash of energy/information, which then approaches and passes infinite velocities, becoming everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, forms a matrix of awareness that remains stable across vast scales of size and organization. This suggests that constructs of matter, such as atoms, and constructs of ideas, such as a language, are all part of the same process.

The center of our galaxy is hidden from us here on earth. We see only a haze of interstellar dust through our local spiral arm. However, its power can be seen in the fact that the arrows of Scorpio and Sagitarius point to its location. This mystic Great Sun, or Sun behind the Sun, has attracted the attention of many cosmic-oriented cultures. The Mayan for instance called it the Hunab Ku and thought of it as a regulating mechanism
that determined the flow of life throughout the galaxy.

The Hunab Ku symbol is instructive. It shows us two opposing flows, similar to the Chinese Tao, uniting to form four outward arms or angles. The two flows represent the processional flow of the galactic radiational field and the precessional flow of the gravity lens forming at ninety degrees to the field flow, or in a band along the equator. The intersection of these two flows produces a cross or quartering effect.

From earth, we can define a line from the center point in Sagitarius to its opposite point in Gemini as our local galactic axis. This cosmic pillar acts a direction finder, locating us in the galactic lens. While this axis remains constant, our relationship to it down here on earth changes with the flow of time.

The angle of the earth's intersection with the galactic axis changes over time, and only once every 13,000 years or so does it form a true right angle, ninety degrees, to the galactic core.This ninety degree intersection produces a scalar field effect similar to that which forms gravity waves into fractally attractive matter packets called atoms. In other words, an inter-section of field flow at ninety degrees produces a burst of information/energy that is transmitted instantaneously from the galactic core to the solar and planetary core.

This higher density radiation might even be seen, by those sensitive to its light, as an ultra-violet blue glow near the cusp of Sagitarius and Capricorn. The Hopi called it the Blue Star and said it marked the end of time. Beginning with the eclipse period just ended, our planet has entered the intersection zone. Over the next few years, the subtle illumination pulsing from the Hunab Ku directly to our consciousness will grow ever brighter. In this period, the moment of the equinox, when the solar and celestial ecliptics cross, has a profound signifcance. This balancing point, where the light is equal, can also be our access point the influx of new energy/information with which we are beginning to be bombarded.

Dieser Zyklus endet nach dem Maya Kalender am 22. Dezember 2012. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt findet eine äußerst seltene astronomische Konstellation statt, die sich seit Tausenden von Jahren langsam abzeichnet. Zur Wintersonnenwende im Jahr 2012 wird die Sonne in Konjunktion mit der Milchstrasse stehen.
Der Ort, an dem die Sonne der Milchstraße begegnet, befindet sich in der “Dunklen Spalte” der Milchstraße, die durch interstellare Staubwolken gebildet wird. Dieses Phänomen kann jeder in einer klaren Sommernacht sehen, außerhalb der beleuchteten Großstädte. Zur Dämmerung der Wintersonnenwende in 2012 wird die Sonne sich direkt in dieser dunklen Spalte befinden und zwar so plaziert, daß die Milchstraße den Horizont an allen Punkten ringsum umfaßt. Dadurch “sitzt” die Milchstraße auf der Erde, berührt sie an allen Punkten ringsum und öffnet ein kosmisches “Himmelstor”. Die galaktische und die solare Ebene befinden sich in Konjunktion.
Die dunkle Spalte hat viele mythologische Bedeutungen: Straße der Unterwelt; Mund eines kosmischen Monsters; Geburtskanal der kosmischen Mutter. Am besten zu verstehen ist die Bedeutung der Dunklen Spalte als Geburtskanal der kosmischen Mutter, die bei der Konjunktion auf den Ersten Vater trifft. Genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt endet der Zyklus des Maya-Kalenders.

the periodic cataclysms afflicting our planet can be traced to explosive bursts of incomprehensible energy that periodically discharge from the center of our galaxy. In some esoteric writings, the galactic core has been referred to as the Central Sun, which emits rays of divine influence that guide the evolution of our galaxy and all who inhabit it.
The enormous outbursts of light energy that come from the galactic core appear to be in sync with different stages of the 25,920-year cycle. For example, the last significant change that overtook planet Earth occurred approximately 13,000 years ago, halfway through the Great Cycle. At that time, the last Ice Age ended with catastrophic flooding, and, as some suggest, massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and perhaps a violent displacement of the Earth's crust resulting in a pole shift.
Interestingly, recent scientific evidence published by Dr. Paul LaViolette proposes that a massive burst of super wave energy was released from the galactic core approximately 13,000 years ago. Keep in mind that the pendulum of the Great Year has now swung all the way to its opposite side, as we enter the final days of the 25,920-year cycle.
Ancient lore says that Atlantis was destroyed because technology became God and relatively few Atlanteans were spiritually aware and living their truth. Humanity didn't learn how to balance and harmonize the two for the greater good back then. It seems we are making the same mistake again.

In der Nähe von Oraibi (Arizona, USA) gibt es ein in Stein gemeißeltes Bild. Dieser Stein wird »Stein der Vorhersage« genannt. Die Hopi lesen darin die Geschichte der Welt bis zum Jahre 2012

Ich sehe links die Milchstrassen-Galaxis mit dem galaktischen Zentrum, daneben könnte der Wassermann sein. Rechts sehen wir die Zwillingssonne oder Nibiru. Wer kann mehr dazu sagen?

An End of Days and The Sun is On the Cross
by C. Donald Martin
Second Revision
(C)2001/2003/2004 TimeCrystal

The World Cross or World Tree is where the ecliptic, the path of the Sun in the sky, and the galactic equator cross near the center of the galaxy. This Tree is seen in Mayan art, most famously, on the sarcophagus lid at Palenque. This tree is in the background, behind the goddess, in Card Number XVII of the Tarot, The Star.

This image is a Starry Night rendering of the sky in the vicinity of this cross. The labeling and placement of the galactic center are my own (C. Donald Martin). The placement of the galactic equator is part of the Starry Night program. It seems to agree with the University information.

Read the linked article for more info.