Figure with serpent in root position copied from Borgia Codex
Kingsboro drawing of the God of Fate with calendar glyphs attached to body, suggesting time signatures for physical and subtle centers.
In contrast to the Mayan codices mainly comprised of almanacs in southern Mexico, the codices associated with Teotihuacan were largely concerned with ritual. Literally meaning, "The City of the Gods", Teotihuacan was renowned as the city where they did not die but awakened from a dream; the pyramid complex was The Feathered Serpent's initiation center. And while the design and numbers of Native America's ancient calendar first appeared in the pyramids at Teotihuacan, initiation was the primary objective at Teotihuacan.
Sun Stone
Sun Stone carved by Toltec craftsmen. Ring of flames surrounds serpent at entrance to the central axis, or spine, of the calendric stone.
After the codices were removed from central Mexico and taken to Europe, Cardinal Stefano Borgia acquired them and they became the property of the Vatican upon his death. Thus the ritual codices associated with Teotihuacan are known as the Borgia Codices despite the fact that Cardinal Borgia obviously did not know what they were much less how to use them. The Kingsborough drawing was subsequently copied from an illustration in the codex that showed the calendar glyphs attached to various parts of a human body.
Hopi - Sand drawing with serpent at root of central axis marked with chakra-like symbols
Art from central Mexico associated with Teotihuacan depicted the same chakras system as the Vedic tradition. A relief from Monte Alban in central Mexico explicitly aligns chakras similarly to the Vedic tradition.
Vedic - Kundalini Serpent aligned with root chakra
Vedic model of 7 chakras with the serpent fire aligned with but not yet entering the chakras aligned with the central axis of the spine.
The glyphs attached to Fate's body in the Kingsborough drawing outline the luminous light body that the Toltec don Juan Matus described as an egg shape comprised of fibers that emanate from the stomach. The glyphs on the Kingsborough figure are arrayed in a non-linear sequence relative to the Sun Stone glyphs. For example, Serpent glyph is sixth in sequence on the Sun Stone but occupies the spotlight in the Kingsborough drawing.
The body parts pointed out on the God of Fate include points of the soul's entrance and exit recognized in the Tantric tradition of Tibet. It is interesting that the seven chakra points that were known in central Mexico were not the topic of the Kingsborough drawing from the Borgia Codex, but that the drawing relates to areas addressed in ritual cleansing as well as the entrance and exit of the soul from the body.
In the original Kingsborough drawing the artist took it upon himself to number the glyphs in sequential order, starting with #2 on the figure's right foot and ending with #20 at the serpent in the center of the drawing. The ludicrous confusion in counting the glyphs sequentially exemplifies the reasons why Euro-Americans still have not fully deciphered the ancient calendar almost 500 years after most of the codices were burned.
Relief from Monte Alban - Glyphs on the figure forming a vertical axis with glyphs in the root position parallel chakras in Vedic system.
Figure drawn in the area of Teotihuacan showing chakra alignments comparable to those of the Vedic model.
The archetypes of Native America's first calendar are so powerful that the crudely drawn glyphs on Fate's body in the Kingsborough rendition still tell their story through the confusion that destroyed a civilization. When interpreted in their proper sequence, the glyphs will even tell the condition of those humans who destroyed an ancient civilization for gold and slaves. In this way, the crudely executed and annotated copy of ritual texts from central Mexico, the Kingsborough drawing, that are presently housed in the Vatican, illustrates a documentary of the barbaric onslaught against Native America.
Sutton Bank crop circle reported July 5, 2010 compares well with a 7-chakra system showing the ida and pingala conduits on either side of the spinal column.
Caduceus that Apollo gave to Hermes as a gesture of their brotherhood is detailed in the Homeric Hymn of Hermes.
Krsanna Duran
Copyright KDuran 2001