The sequence of related crop circles in seven-day intervals shows the processes of time and plays on the seven days of creation in Genesis 1, followed by a second creation in Genesis 2. In the first chapter there were two dimensions, in seven more days there were three dimensions with the potential of four nested within, and in seven more days there were four dimensions with rotation and increased volume.
Click link below for Carl Sagan on the meaning of dimensions:
2 dimensional square
Annotations are made in red. Crop circle made at Morgans Hill, near Bishop Cannings, Wiltshire was reported August 2, 2009. Crop Circle photos courtesy The Crop Circle Connector
3 dimensional cube
Crop circle made at Bishop Sutton, near New Alresford, Hampshire on August 9, 2009.
Crop Circle photos courtesy The Crop Circle Connector
Crop Circle photos courtesy The Crop Circle Connector
4 dimensional hypercube unfolds in 3 dimensions as an octahedron and rotates on axis of plane.
Annotations are in red. Tidcombe, near Burbage, Wiltshire was reported August 16, 2009. Crop Circle photo courtesy The Crop Circle Connector
Allegorically, heaven and earth were made in seven days with man and woman created in the likeness of God. On the seventh day He rested and the second chapter of creation begins with a review. He had made animals and birds and tallied the generations and "every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. But, it had not yet rained and there was no man to till the ground. Man and woman had been made in the likeness of God but there was no man for the work of cultivation, which always marks the beginning of civilization. Why there was no man to till the ground could be explained in different ways, but that information is not offered nor is the duration of God's rest noted. Time is noted only in the passing of days with no indication of the duration of a day. Plato's Cosmic Day was 2,160 years, or an astrological age.
Throughout the seven days of creation followed by rest, no rain had fallen. A strategic plan was in place. The creation was blueprinted and inventoried [in the first chapter] but the power of the living soul, working and cultivating, were not present. This was so important that the absence of rain was specified at the beginning of Genesis 2, in prelude to the next sequence of creation.
"But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." Only after the mist watered the face of the ground did the creation begin that enabled the life for civilization as we know it.
After mist watered face of the ground, "the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." A man capable of tilling the ground and nurturing civilization provided the living form for soul. The mist had prepared, or signaled preparation, for the living flesh to embody soul in the world as we have known it since the eighth day.
After seven days of creation the eighth day dawned with man gaining the dimension of a living soul. A garden was cultivated with "every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." The woman created in the first seven days did not enter the cultivated garden. The Lord took a rib from the man and from it formed a woman. This living woman had the ability for knowledge of good and evil and power of choice, thus she the capacity of higher knowledge. The man and woman were named Adam and Eve and recognized as individuals. Their capacity for knowledge, choice and action set them apart from the creations of the first seven days.
Since the dawning of the eighth day the ongoing creation of man and woman has increasingly expanded capacity for mind and soul by way of physical being with larger brains and smaller stomachs. It is noteworthy that the transformative moment of this creation story that moved the spirit represented by God to breath life into the living soul was the mysterious mist native to the earth. The creativeness of man and woman continually expands with awareness of the living soul reaching into dimensions not seen with the physical eye.
In literal terms, the August 16 crop circle appears to show the scheme of a hypercube, the geometry for hyperdimensional functions that generate vital earth energies. Drawing the four dimensions of the hypercube in two dimensions translates as an eight-sided shape, as drawn below using the eight arms in the crop circle.
Click link below for video on how to draw a hypercube in two-dimensions.
A video that shows how to draw the hypercube in three dimension is at the link below. The eight-sided outline for the drawing is superimposed on the annotated crop circle. This crop circle shows rotation and volume over which a hypercube can be drawn by printing out the image and following instructions on the video.
Krsanna Duran
Doubling the cube (also known as The Delian Problem) is one of the three most famous geometric problems unsolvable by compass and straightedge construction. It was known to the Egyptians, Greeks, and Indians...
According to legend, the citizens of Delos consulted the oracle of Apollo at Delphi in 430 BC, in order to learn how to defeat a plague which was ravaging their lands. The oracle responded that to stop the plague, they must double the size of their altar[2]. The Delians dutifully doubled each side of the altar, and the plague increased. The correct interpretation was that they must double the volume of their altar, not merely its side length; this proved to be a most difficult problem indeed, but was solved in 350 BC thanks to the efforts of Menaechmus. The only problem was that the plague was finished several decades before. It is due to this legend that the problem is often known as the "Delian problem".
Menaechmus' original solution involves the intersection of two conic curves. Other more complicated methods of doubling the cube involve the cissoid of Diocles, the conchoid of Nicomedes, or the Philo line. Archytas solved the problem in the fourth century B.C. using geometric construction in three dimensions, determining a certain point as the intersection of three surfaces of revolution
Krsanna Duran