The Worlds Greatest Conspiracy Theories by David Icke
1:11:06 - 10 months ago
Looks at some of the conspiracy theories that have abounded regarding alien abductions, moon landings, Kennedy's assasination, the death of Princess Diana, and government mind control experiments. Also rumours that Hitler and Elvis faked their deaths. our job is to wakeup as many as possible or we will lose control of this world. like the matrix movie we will become owned like a robot i fight for freedom i stand in the name of freedom help spread these words btw watch zeitgeist and truth rising by alex jones There is no profit in stopping wars. There is profit however in funding both sides! If there is a god we would be his slave forever Oh and I'm an atheist, I don't beleive in god! If there is a god we would be his slave forever a free being does not need a master to be told what to do.