Series Title: The Tzolkin Code and the Science of Synchronicity: A New Way to See and Experience the World. Pt. 5
Introducing Einstein’s Piper
Fig. 1: A chart of the 260 day Tzolkin cycle. This report begins to elaborate on the significance of the various Tzolkin Code components. The chart first appeared in the 1987 book The Mayan Factor. The 20 colored icons represent a cycle of repeating themes. At the end of this article you will find a table naming each theme one along with its primary attributes. The dots and bars are the Mayan notation system. Each dot = one and a bar = 5. Properly viewed the green squares form a spiral. The lack of green in the central column makes it difficult to trace the continuity of each row of diagonal green squares. The green spiral feature is an important element in relating the Tzolkin Code to some of the subjects encountered in this report. In another report I will elaborate on the function and meaning of the green squares.
By “dance”, Einstein means movement and by “tune”, he means rhythm or periodicity.
The “invisible piper“ is what religions and spiritualists call God or one of the many other names meaning more or less the same.
It is what the Greek philosophers meant by the word cosmos meaning order and or Universe. In this sense God is an acronym for Galactic Ordering Dynamic.
My studies of the Tzolkin Code, the core calendrical component of Maya-Meso-American Calendrical system (MAC) compels to me to claim that the image you see to your upper left (fig.1) is the musical score played by “Einstein’s piper”.
This report begins the process of deciphering the Tzolkin Code’s “musical score” so that scientist and non-scientist alike may understand the lost science of Meso-America’s pre-colonial cultures.
The Arguellen Factor
For the last 10 years I have been studying and tracking what I call the Argüellen interpretation of the Tzolkin Code. And that is the accounting and description of the Tzolkin as per Dr. Jose Argüelles , author of the ground breaking 1987 book, The Mayan factor.In my report entitled Origins of Mayan Calendar Confusion and 2012 Mania: Separating Fact from fantasy, I show how the Argüellen presentation of the Tzolkin has confused the understanding and hindered the acceptance of his interpretation of Maya-Meso-American Calendrics (MAC). Nevertheless, it is Argüelles who reveals and explains the Tzolkin as no one had done before or has yet to do–until now.
Argüelles also provides what has proven to be the most controversial aspect of his interpretation. His dating differs from any of the traditional counts presently in use.
So the question of the millennium is, whose accounting is correct?
I present my work on the grounds that the Argüellen interpretation is the correct count.
I have spent the last ten years testing the Argüellen interpretation and it is the express purpose of this and subsequent reports to demonstrate and prove the veracity of the Argüellen accounting and his interpretation of the Tzolkin Code.
In this report I begin to clarify and expound upon the least understood portion of his work and that is the inner workings and intricacies of what I call Tzolkin Dynamics (TD).
I will go beyond simply clarifying and validating aspects of the Argüellen interpretation by relating Tzolkin Dynamics to other accepted bodies of scientific knowledge such as genetics, physics and chemistry. You may review my introductory work towards the aformentioned in the report entitled the Science of Synchronicity (SOS) pt. 2: Self Organizing Systems from Atoms to Humanity.
Tzolkin Dynamics TD
In this report I will begin relating the 4 color sequence of the Tzolkin code with the 4 nucleobases of the dna molecule. The 4 bases form a key part of the foundation of the genetic code. The 4 colors form a key part of the foundation of the Tzolkin code.
Discrete entities with specific functions, locations and relationships in space-time. Much like that of any mechano-dynamical system be it a DNA molecule, a cell or the human body.
The genetic code is a perfect example of a mechano-dynamical system. Our DNA consists of distinct chemical parts and it is dynamical in the ways its various parts interrelate and interact with other entities both internal and external to itself (epigentics). The result of which we call the evolutionary process.
Evolution can be described as a self-organizing, self-replicating, self-sustaining, aggregating dynamic driving the complexification of energy-matter configurations over time.
In pt 2 of SOS: Self Organizing System from Atoms to Humanity I show how the key numbers and the relationships between the key numbers underlying the Tzolkin Code are found at every scale of the energy-matter continuum. It is well accepted among the scientific community that mathematics is the fundamental language of the Universe.
The Tzolkin as Cosmocycle
Composite image of spiral galaxy M106 (NGC 4258). Optical data from the Digitized Sky Survey is shown in yellow, radio data from the Very Large Array appears purple, X-ray data from Chandra is coded blue, and infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope appears red. The anomalous arms appear as purple and blue emission.
Cosmos is Greek for universe and order. Cycle can mean either round, rotation, pattern, rhythm, sequence and succession set.
Cosmocycle means the order of the universe as demonstrated by a self-existing and self-repeating sequence (process) of patterns and rhythms.
From here on in I will use Tzolkin and Cosmocycle interchangeably.
Tzolkin Components
The Tzolkin cycle consists of 3 primary sub-cycles which in turn constitute the 260 part Cosmocycle.Cycle one is a 4 phase color sequence representing a 4 day cycle. The colored icons in fig.1 represent cycle one repeated 5 times.
Cycle two is the complexification resulting from the 4 phase color sequence repeated 5 times. 5 times 4 results in the 20 day cycle as denoted by 20 colored icons representing themes and qualities.
Cycle three is a 13 day cycle denoted by a numerical value of 1 through 13. Those numbers are represented on fig.1 as dots and bars—the Maya numerical notation system.
Synchronicity theory posits that the simultaneous interaction of the three cycles describes the step by step process in the evolution of energy-matter at every scale of the energy-matter spectrum.
Lisi makes use of the super complex geometries of the mathematical configuation known as E8 to substantiate his Theory of Everything. The 4 images shown here are the various ways Lisi employs E8 geometries to explain his Simple Theory of Everything. Please note the similarities to be found in other circular imagery found in this article. A complete image of E8 is found further down.
Intelligence is the word I use to describe how elegantly organized the Universe is.
The process I am describing has been approximated by Physicist Garret Lisi’s Simple Theory of Everything (STE) and by MIT computer science professor Edward Fredkin’s digital physics model known as Digital Mechanics (DM).
At this point in my description of the Tzolkin Code I will not be delving into the intricate interpenetration between Tzolkin Dynamics and the two physics models just mentioned.
My first description of Tzolkin Dynamics will treat the human realm of naked eye observations. In other words my first explication of Tzolkin Dynamics is how we experience the rhythm and beat of Einstein’s Piper.
The 4 and 20 Principle
The 4 colors and the 20 day cycle: What is meant by a 4 color sequence? The Tzolkin Code color sequence is red, white, blue and yellow as per the vertical column in fig. 1. The 4 colors represent distinct, but sequentially related qualities. The colors are to be interpreted as themes or qualities represented by the aspects and attributes of our sensory world.
The aspects and attributes run the full range of what we experience as human beings. They are all of the events, situations, people, animals, plants, objects, process’s and internal feelings that we encounter in our day to day lives.
DNA view along axis courtesy of Dr. R. Langridge
The 4 states are expressed as 20 variations on the thematic and qualitative content representing the full range of what we call reality or the phenomenal world.
How can that be—you may ask?
Once I was convinced of the Tzolkins veracity in predicting the thematic content of a given day and that it could also accurately describe personalities and the quality of relationships between personalities it occurred to me that any system capable of predicting such things must by logical necessity be reflected at every level of the energy-matter spectrum.I reasoned that the numbers and features comprising the Tzolkin must be evident at every scale. And indeed that is what I found.
Please see the Table of Nested Numerical Equivalences Across the Entire Energy-Matter Spectrum for details. The table is complete, but there are many more examples to give to eliminate all doubt.
Human beings are complex arrangements of energy-matter inhabiting and emerging from an equally complex environment (space, quantum field earth, universe) made of the same energy-matter.
There is no break or seam in the energy-matter continuum. Therefore, the laws of physics and chemistry must also apply to human beings and our world of interactions.
Rose Window, York Minster Photo by C.J Bassham
But who would have thought that 4 basic themes and a total of 20 variations on those themes could define and describe the entire human socio-cultural realm inclusive of personality characteristics. And then add a merry-go round of recurrent themes embedded in cycles of time (movement) we call days.
A few people have written about the idea of a social physics and alike, but nobody has been able to apply the language of physics and chemistry to human behavior. And even fewer have considered that the countless events we encounter everyday are all synchronized happenings.
The only reason I can even consider such a possibility is due to my encounter with the Tzolkin. No other culture has discovered the facet of reality that the ancient Meso-Americans codified as the Tzolkin cycle. The Western worldview has the concept of chance woven into their view of reality–implying degrees of randomness.
The Science of Synchronicity states that in principle randomness is a misperception and/or a misnomer.
Correlates of the 4 and 20 principle at the atomic and molecular realms.
Thymine and Cytosine are two of 4 molecules forming the "rungs' of the DNA molecule. Each nucleobase molecule is made of the same 4 elements (HCNO), but each has a different arrangement and combination. A clue to the structure of how everthing is created, maintained and replicated. Their bonding partners are in the next image to your lower right.
At the molecular level it takes the 4 nucleobases of the DNA (thymine, adenine, guanine, cytosine TAGC) to provide the basis with which to begin constructing and evolving living organisms. There are two other molecules but their function is largely structural. Please see pt. 2 of SOS for details.
In turn each nucleobase is simply a different combination of HCNO. The 20 amino acids are the building blocks needed to develop a human being or any other organism. The 4 nucleobases are the chemical rungs of the DNA molecule.
The nucleobase sequence along a strand of DNA specifies the kind of amino acid to be produced. Each amino acid is also just another combination and arrangement of HCNO.
The foundational molecules of the genetic code. Adenine bonds only with Thymine. Guanine bonds only with Cytosine (TAGC). In the Tzolkin code red is partnered with white and blue is partnered with yellow (RWBY). The relationship just mentioned forms the first 1 to 1 relationship between the genetic code and the Tzolkin Code. TAGC=RWBY
At this point I am sure it is still quite fuzzy to see how our day to day world is comprised of a cycle consisting of 4 basic themes and 5 variations on each theme.
I suggest reading part 2 of SOS to help visualize how our world and universe is organized (fractals/nested self-organizing systems) and how we fit into and relate with the universal order of things.
Synchronicity theory posits that all events comprising our world are coordinated according to the 4 and 20 principle as defined by the laws of physics, chemistry, genetics and as exemplified by the Tzolkin Code.
The Implication is that the Tzolkin Code is the formula underlying particle physics, chemistry and the genetic code.
At the level of chemistry the laws of electro-biochemistry can tell us how and why the chemicals of life bond and interact the way they do. At the macro-molecular human level of social bonding and interaction the Tzolkin Code will explain the laws of human character, bonding and interaction. By macro-molecular human I mean the human being as one big molecule
Another Axial view of the DNA molecule.
Synchronicity theory posits that the 4 and 20 principle as exemplified by the Tzolkin Code develops and evolves human social reality at every scale. That is couples, families, social groups and finally humanity as a whole.
Human social reality is more organized than we have been led to believe.
Meaning we are all unique and we are also very much the same in that we are all made of the same elements. The slight differences between each of us is due to tiny differences in the way our unique set of genes are expressed.
The chemistry of life says we need only 4 basic elements (HCNO) and 4 basic molecules (TAGC) to jump start life.
The interaction of the foundational elements of life (HCNO-TAGC) in conjunction with the environment (epigenetics) results in the creation of the 20 amino acids. Genetics and evolutionary science are complex fields of knowledge. My point is to reveal the basic formula and organizational structure for the evolution of life and the Universe.
Complexity evolves from simplicity and vice versa.
The Tzolkin is saying that humans come in 4 basic “flavors” as defined by the 4 color sequence and that there 5 variations of each flavor as described by the 20 symbols (themes). I am not referring to cultural variances of behavior, but rather behaviors that exist with out the influence of specific cultural circumstances.
Behaviors that can be described as universal. Behaviors such as playfulness, communication, sexuality and alike. There is a table at the end of the article with 57 other characteristics that round out the universal attributes of what it means to be a universal human being.
20 Thematic variations x’s 13 oscillatory phases equals 260 Possible States
At this point I have not begun to elaborate upon the 3rd cycle component of the Tzolkin Code or the 13 day cycle denoted only by a numerical value represented in fig.1 in traditional Maya dot-bar numerical notation system. The 20 themes indicated by the 20 day cycle are factored by a concurrent 13 day cycle to yield a total of 260 variations.Known as E8 and as the most complex geometric shape ever conceived by man thus far. Please note the similarities between E8 and the 2 axial views of the DNA molecule. If the chart of the Tzolkin Code were to be developed into a 3 dimensional model and looked at axially we could expect to see a similar shape.
Before I lose my more scientifically savvy readers please consider the information in the linked to article in which physicist Garrett Lisi propounds his “ Simple Theory of Everything (STE) ” according to a supercomplex geometric shape known as E8 and consisting of 248 dimensions represented by points.
Each point, Lisi maintains, is a “particle” indicated by the standard model of physics. He has his supporters and his critics as to be expected. My point is to show how that what I am describing is indeed a plausible way of describing how the universe operates and is organized.
The 260 unit Tzolkin Code is only 12 units off from Lisi’s 248 point “Theory of Everything”. I have also referred to the Digital Physics theory of the Universe as a model describing in principle how the Tzolkin Code works.
How Human “Themes” Arise from Atoms.
The states, qualities and themes I speak of are the emergent properties of atoms themselves, of their interaction and of their net qualities as groupings of atoms. For example, when enough gold atoms clump together to make them visible we see gold’s golden color.When we mix copper with gold we get a rose tinted gold. When hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen combine in the right environment the result is life. There are of course other elements needed to complete the picture, but HCNO forms the foundation of life.
All life forms are by and large organized agglomerations of HCNO. The self-organizing properties of HCNO result in life. Life is an emergent property of HCNO under the right conditions. The food we eat, our brains and our feelings are made up primarily of HCNO. When something gives you pleasure certain brain cells release dopamine.
A chemical model of dopamine, our source of pleasure. In this model green=carbon, blue=nitrogen, red=oxgen and white=hydrogen
All of our sensations and the natural objects perceived by us is largely the result of the countless ways in which HCNO has arranged itself over its roughly 4 billion year evolution on earth.
As mentioned earlier there other elements involved in the development and maintenance of life forms.
HCNO may likened to a painter and the colors the painter uses to paint are the other 16 elements that together with HCNO constitute 99.9999% of a human beings elemental make up . And to be accurate the human body contains trace amounts of 8 other elements. For a more complete elaboration on this subject please see pt. 2 of SOS: Self organizing systems from Atoms to Humanity.
Why Color Matters
The idea of an emergent property in our case means becomes visible, tangible and palpable. Every element has a color associated with it. Depending on conditions the element in question may absorb or emit more than one kind of color.
Under most circumstances the key elements (HCNO) that I am concerned with have a characteristic color associated with them.
It just so happens that the colors associated with HCNO matches the 4 color Tzolkin sequence. The element number given below is the element’s position on the periodic table of the elements. With regards to HCNO as life’s foundational molecule the sequence goes like this H=1; C=2; N=3 and O= 4. The Tzolkin color sequence is red, white, blue and yellow (RWBY).
Periodic element #1, H1: Hydrogen, emits red light.
Periodic element #6, C2: Carbon emits white light.
Periodic element #7, N3: Nitrogen, emits blue light and is the reason the sky is blue.
Periodic element # 8 , O4: Oxygen emits yellow-green light
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of stellar color sequence according to temperture. Our sun is classified as yellow. Stellar lifecycles create all of the known elements after hydrogen
Its wavelength is a measure of how fast a photon is vibrating. Visible light begins with lower energy red and ends with higher energy blue/violet.
It is no coincidence that the 4 day sequence begins with red. However, blue is not the last color of the Tzolkin color sequence–yellow is.
It is also interesting to note that stars are classified according to the color they give off. The star color sequence is red, yellow, white and blue. The star color sequence pertains to a stars temperature. The stellar life cycle is responsible for the creation of every element after hydrogen.
According to Tzolkin Dynamics blue and yellow are like two sides of the same coin or two states occupiable by the same entity. The yellow sun is “embedded” in the blue sky or we can say the blue sky has “overlaid” the yellow sun. Another helpful visualization is the earth’s day-night cycle.
The sun facing side is bathed in yellow light of the sun and the opposing side faces the darkness of night. Same earth occupying two states simultaneously. What is dark becomes light and vice versa.
From our perspective yellow best characterizes completion, maturation or ripening and that is why yellow is last color of the Tzolkin color sequence. Blue represents black or darkness according to Tzolkin Dynamics. Among other qualities, blue does represent the quality of “raw” energy as exemplified by the theme (kin) 19 the blue storm. The Mayan name for day or person is kin.
When a storm comes the yellow day turns dark and there is wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Storms, tornadoes, hurricanes are the most energetic natural phenomena we encounter on earth. Again we have the coexistence of darkness and light when storms occurs during the day.
The famous yet enigmatic Aztec Stone calendar. The Aztec culture also used the 260 day cycle as part of their social organization. The Aztec stone calendar is a complete symbolic rendering of the 260 day Tzolkin chart. The Aztec name for the essence captured by the Stone calendar is The Great and Venerable Mechanism of the Universe. Please note the complexity and similarities to E8 and to the axial views of the DNA molecule.
Briefly, there is yellows relationship to blue, to white, to red and to itself. I will elaborate on the specifics of the color relationships in the next article. Later on I will also delve into the various Argüellen modifications of the traditional Tzolkin to examine their merit or lack thereof.
Color is an intrinsic property of energy-matter starting from its most basic state. Color indicates qualities and states. Qualities and states transferred to the human level via the aggregative function which makes the invisible world visible and palpable.
Much more to be shared on the subject of the 4 colors and the 20 themes in my next report. I will end this report with a table showing the 20 themes-symbols and their attributes. The table displays the names of Tzolkins 20 theme-symbols (kin) according to the Argüellen interpretation along with the traditional Maya and Aztec kin names (theme-symbol).
Each theme (kin-symbol) is named after an element of nature that best exemplifies the foremost attributes present on a given day.
The Asian ying yang symbol captures the principle of 4 in a most elegant and accurate way.
The attributes of each theme (kin symbol) are implied by the overt and covert characteristics of the chosen symbol.
The Argüellen interpretation provides specific attributes to each theme (kin-symbol). I have yet to encounter another systematic treatment of theme attributes—modern or traditional.
My work has been to test and verify the Argüellen interpretation as his work on the Tzolkin is the only one of its kind. 10 years of testing and I have found that the attributes he chose do indeed match the foremost qualities of each day.
Thus far I can not improve on the core attributes he chose, but there are other words, ideas and descriptors that do help add depth and dimension to the overall theme complex of each symbol.
I will share additional key words in another report.
Arguellen #-Theme-Kin -Symbol | Attributes | Maya T-K-S | Meaning | Aztec T-K-S | Meaning |
1-Dragon | Nurture, Birth, Being | Imix | Alligator, Caiman | Cipactli | Alligator Water- Monster |
2-Wind | Communicates, Breath, Spirit | Ik | Wind,, Breath | Ehecatle | Wind |
3-Night | Dream, Intution, Abundance, | Akbal | NIght, Darkness | Calli | House |
4-Seed | Targets, Awarness, Flowering | Kan | Seed, Corn, Net | Cuetzpalin | Lizard |
5-Serpent | Survives, Instinct, Life-Force | Chicchan | Serpent | Coatl | Snake |
6-Worldbridger | Equalize. Opportunity, Death | Cimi | Death | Miquiztli | Death |
7-Hand | Knows, Healing, Accomplishment | Manik | Deer | Mazatl | Deer |
8-Star | Beauty, Art, Elegance | Lamat | Venus, Star, Rabbit | Tochtli | Rabbit |
9-Moon | Purifies, Flow, Universal Water | Muluc | Water , Jade, Offering | Atl | Water |
10-Dog | Loves, Loyalty, Heart | Oc | Dog | Itzcuintli | Dog |
11-Monkey | Plays, Illusion, Magic | Chuen | Monkey | Ozomatli | Monkey |
12-Human | Influences, Wisdom, Free Will | Eb | Rain, Tooth Grass | Malinalli | Grass |
13-Skywalker | Explores, Space, Wakefulness | Ben | Green/Young- -Maize, Reed, Seed, | Acatl | Reed |
14-Wizard | Enchants, Receptivity, Timelessness | Ix | Jaguar | Ocelotl | Ocelot, Jaguar |
15-Eagle | Creates, Mind, Vision | Men | Eagle | Cuauhtli | Eagle |
16-Warrior | Questions, Fearlessness, Intelligence | Cib | Vulture, Owl, Wax | Cozcacuauhtli | Vulture |
17-Earth | Evolves, Synchronicity, Navigation | Caban | Earth | Ollin | Movement, Earthquake |
18-Mirror | Reflects, Order, Endlessness | Etznab | Flint | Tecpatl | Flint, Knife |
19-Storm | Catalyzes, Energy, Self-Generation | Cauac | Rain, Storm | Quiahuitl | Rain |
20- Sun | Enlightens, Life, Universal Fire | Ahau | Sun, Lord, Ruler | Xochitli | Flower |