- News Articles - Reports & Websites - Radio Shows - Videos - Other Resources |
1 March 2011 - AP-Foodtechnology.com
- Still more questions than answers on nanotechnology in food
9 February 2011 - Food Navigator
- Tell the National Organic Standards Board to Prohibit Nanotechnology in Organics
12 October 2010 - The Future of Food
- Industry radio silence is not moving nanotechnology debate forward
20 September 2010 - Food Manufacture
- Scientists cook up a storm as risks, benefits of nano nosh are weighed
19 September 2010 - Business Report
- Super Chewing Gum? Not So Fast
21 July 2010 - New Haven Independent
- Nanotech in Our Food: Should We Be Afraid?
14 July 2010 - Atlantic Monthly
- Nano Food: European Parliament Puts Safety First
7 July 2010 - Nanotech Wire
- EU votes for labels on nano, cloned and GM food
5 May 2010 - The Ecologist
- Regulated or Not, Nano-Foods Coming to a Store Near You
24 March 2010 - AOL News
- The role of nanotechnology, biotechnology and synthetic biology roles in future food supply explored
21 February 2010 - Nanowerk News
- Controversy surrounds nanotech food supply experiments
21 January 2010 - Examiner.com
- Supermarkets urged to lead debate on nanotechnology in food
20 January 2010 - Nanowerk News
- Food industry 'too secretive' over nanotechnology
8 January 2010 - BBC News
- Hi-tech food may alienate public, warns watchdog
8 January 2010 - The Independent
- Scholars Ask: "Will the Public Swallow Nanofood?"
7 December 2009 - Meridian Institute
- Using Nanotechnology for Dieting Purposes
4 December 2009 - AzoNano
- Nanoceuticals: Tiny Size, Big Potential
1 December 2009 - Natural Products Insider
- US organic standards board to ban nanotechnology from organic food
October 2009 - The Organic & Non-GMO Report
- Strong growth forecast for nanotechnology food packaging
25 July 2009 - NanoWerk, USA
- Nanotechnology: The new asbestos?
17 June 2009 - Food Navigator, USA
- Friends of the Earth Australia gives evidence to UK Nanofood Inquiry
2 June 2009 - Friends of the Earth, Australia
- Appropriate risk governance strategies for nanotechnology applications in food and cosmetics
2 June 2009 - SafeNano, UK
- UK Inquiry hears expert evidence that nanofood risks remain largely unknown
1 June 2009 - Friends of the Earth, Australia
- Experts Present Evidence to Committee on Nanotechnology in Food
6 May 2009 - SafeNano, UK
- Submission to House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on nanotechnologies and food
30 March 2009 - Royal Society, UK
- Novel foods, MEPs set new rules
25 March 2009 - European Parliament News, EU
- EFSA publishes opinion on the potential risks arising from nanotechnologies on food and feed safety
5 March 2009 - EFSA, EU
- Starting to explore nanotechnology's impact on major food crops
5 March 2009 - NanoWerk, USA
- European Food Safety Authority, Guidance on risk assessment concerning potential risks arising from applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies to food and feed, - EFSA, Parma, Italy
- Study on Nanotechnology in the Food Sector, - TA-SWISS, 2010
- Organic Consumers Association website on Nanotechnology & Synthetic Biology
- A listing of nano-related food and beverage is provided by the NanotechProject in its Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory.
- Submission to House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on nanotechnologies and food - The Royal Society, UK, March 2009
- A Hard Pill To Swallow: Barriers to Effective FDA Regulation of Nanotechnology-Based Dietary Supplements - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA, January 2009
- Risk Governance of Nanotechnology Applications in Food and Cosmetics - International Risk Governance Council, September 2008
- Nanomaterials and safe production - the Austrian Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, Austria, September 2008
- Assuring the Safety of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA, June 2008
Out of the laboratory and on to our plates: Nanotechnology in food and agriculture - Friends of the Earth, March 2008
Untested nanotechnology is being used in more than 100 food products, food packaging and contact materials currently on the shelf, without warning or new FDA testing, according to a report released today by Friends of the Earth. The report found nanomaterials in popular products and packaging including Miller Light beer, Cadbury Chocolate packaging and ToddlerHealth, a nutritional drink powder for infants sold extensively at health food stores including WholeFoods. |
An inventory study on the current use of nanotechnology in food products, and suggestions for prioritizing the research that is needed.
- Nanotechnology – the new threat to food - Friends of the Earth, Australia, May 2007
Nanotechnology is the high technology, atomically processed antithesis to organic agriculture, which values the natural health-giving properties of fresh, unprocessed wholefoods. It further transforms the farm into an automated extension of the high technology factory production line, using patented products that will inevitably concentrate corporate control. It also introduces serious new risks for human health and the environment.
Yet in the absence of public debate, or oversight from regulators, unlabelled foods manufactured using nanotechnology have begun to appear on our supermarket shelves.
- Tiny, invisible ingredients - Food Processing, 2006
Consumers Union testimony on nanoengineered ingredients in food - Presented to the FDA on October 10, 2006
- Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food - the Woodrow Wilson Center and the University of Minnesota’s Center for Science, Technology, and Public Policy, September 2006
- CTA Legal Petition on FDA's Failure to Regulate Health Threats from Nanomaterials - CTA, May 2006
- Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food- Nanoforum, the European Nanotechnology Gateway, April 2006
Down on the Farm: The Impact of Nano-scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture - ETC Group, 2004
20 October 2008 - BBC Radio 4, UK
Nanotech Nervousness
18 June 2007 - Great Lakes Radio Consortium, USA
| Researchers are studying whether nano-sized material could purge bacteria from the digestive tracts of poultry. The bacteria doesn't harm chickens and turkeys, but it can make people sick. |
21 February 2008 - Clemson University, USA
- NanoFood
2 June 2005 - ScienCentralNews, USA
- 2007 Joint Symposium on Food Safety and Nutrition is Nanotechnology in Foods and Cosmetics
- References on Nanotechnology in Food-related Applications - Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin–Madison, May 2007
- Institute of Food Technologists website
- 2007 IFT International Food Nanoscience Conference
- Draft Resolution on nanotechnology, Call for public debate - The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations (IUF), March 2007
- An issues landscape for nanotechnology standards: Report of a Workshop - Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards, Michigan State University, March 2007
- Food Nanotechnology - Institute of Food Technologists, Volume 60, No. 11, November 2006
- Nanotechnology: A Brief Literature Review - Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin–Madison, June 2006
- Nanofood Conference 2005/2006
- A missed opportunity to educate about “nanofoods”
26 February 2009 - Environmental Health News, USA
- The pros and cons of nanofoods
19 February 2009 - Cordis, EU
- Nanosilver used in food storage materials found to interfere with DNA replication
19 February 2009 - NanoWerk, USA
- Designer food or disaster - what nanotechnology might bring to the food sector
16 February 2009 - NanoWerk, USA
- Can food nanotechnology make junk food healthy?
14 February 2009 - NanoWerk, USA
- UK to investigate nanotechnology and food
4 February 2009 - FoodBev, UK
- The Irresponsibility of nanoproduct releases
1 February 2009 - Agrarian Grrl's Journal, USA
- Legislation urged for nano based materials
23 January 2009 - Food Production Daily, EU
- Governing the risk of nanotechnology in food and cosmetics
20 January 2009 - NanoWerk, USA
- Getting Your Daily Dose of Nano? Report highlights FDA’s regulatory challenges posed by nanomaterials
14 January 2009 - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA
- Nano sensors offer rapid detection of Salmonella, claims ARS
6 January 2009 - NutraIngredients, EU
- Investigating potential nanotechnology risks at the bottom of the food chain
5 January 2009 - Nanowerk, USA
- EFSA questions nano silver safety in supplements
19 December 2008 - Food Production Daily, EU
- Newest Ingredient In Your Food? Nanotechnology
19 December 2008 - Investors, USA
- Use of TiN nanoparticles in PET bottles not toxic, says EFSA
18 December 2008 - Food Production Daily, EU
- Food safety implications of nanotechnology on agenda of World Health Organization and FAO
28 November 2008 - NanoWerk, USA
- We need to talk about nanofoods, says UK group
17 November 2008 - NutraIngredients, EU
- Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
30 October 2008 - Global Research, USA
- 96% Australians want safety testing, 92% support labelling nanofoods and food packaging
22 October 2008 - Friends of the Earth, Australia
- Shaking up the nano-food debate
20 October 2008 - 2020science.org, USA
- What’s meant by “food nanotechnology”?
10 October 2008 - Soft Machines, USA
- Nanotechnology could kill small farmers
8 October 2008 - Philippine Information Agency, Philippines
- EFSA outlines future food safety risks
6 October 2008 - FoodProductionDaily, EU
- Get Ready For Nanotech Food
6 October 2008 - Chemical & Engineering News, USA
- Safety authority urges research into nanotechnology's use in food sector
22 September 2008 - The Irish Times, Ireland
- New film could inhibit bacterial growth on conveyor belts
20 August 2008 - FoodProductionDaily, EU
- Nanotechnology: Safe and Green Cuisine
19 August 2008 - Business Week, USA
- Nano-foods: The next consumer scare?
30 July 2008 - Reuters, USA
- Future challenges in the nano food and packaging sector
28 July 2008 - Nanotechnology Now, USA
- Green tea catechins go nano: study
28 July 2008 - NutraIngredients, EU
- New Health Drink? Chemist Goes Nano With CoQ10
27 July 2008 - Science Daily, USA
- A closer look at future foods
24 July 2008 - CNET, USA
22 July 2008 - Science Daily, USA
- Part of this nutritious nano-breakfast
21 July 2008 - The angry toxicologist, USA
- Nanomaterials can move up the food chain
21 July 2008 - Environmental Expert, EU
- Bottoms Up! What's in your glass?
16 July 2008 - Environmental Communication Options, Canada
- Use of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging Poses Regulatory Challenges
25 June 2008 - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA
- Size really does matter
19 June 2008 - The Ecologist, UK
- Nanoparticles Have Negative Impact On Mussels
10 June 2008 - Science Daily, USA
- Nanotechnology In The Food Chain? Nanomaterials Tested Not Concentrating In Higher Level Organisms
30 May 2008 - Science Daily, USA
- BFA sets new standard for nanotechnology control in the organic sector
29 May 2008 - Biological Farmers of Australia Australia
- Pumpkin plants pick-up particles
29 May 2008 - Chemical Biology, USA
- Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy calls for mandatory labeling of nanomaterials in common products
21 May 2008 - Huff Strategy, Canada
- Groups demand EPA stop sale of 200+ potentually dangerous nano-silver products
1 May 2008 - NanoAction, USA
- New proposals on novel foods
28 April 2008 - Food Standard Agency, UK
- Swiss food retailers demand information on nanotech
23 April 2008 - NutraIngredients, UE
- Food nanotechnology - how the industry is blowing it
16 April 2008 - NanoWerk, USA
- Call for research into effects of consuming nano-sized food
7 April 2008 - Food Manufacture, UK
- Once bitten ...
26 March 2008 - the Guardian, UK
- A nanotechnology biosensor for Salmonella detection
17 March 2008 - NanoWerk, USA
- Milk cartons that glow when the milk goes sour?
14 March 2008 - Business Intelligence, Middle East
- More people likely to accept nano than GM, say researchers
14 March 2008 - FoodNavigator, EU
- Nanotech Exposed in Grocery Store Aisles: Report finds Miller Light, Cadbury and other brands have toxic risks
11 March 2008 - Friends of the Earth, USA
- Sweating the small stuff
11 March 2008 - The age, Australia
- Nanotechnology chicken feed
21 February 2008 - NanoWerk, USA
- Nanostructures tested as beta-carotene carriers in beverages
31 January 2008 - France, EU
- Call for Scientific Data on Applications of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials used in Food and Feed
23 January 2008 - European Food Safety Authority, EU
- Soil Association first organisation in the world to ban nanoparticles
15 January 2008 - Soil Association, UK
- Nanotechnology Impacts Food and Food Processing
11 January 2008 - Madison Commons, USA
- Micro and Nanotechnologies for Food - a healthy and safe option?
8 January 2008 - NanoWerk, USA
- Alert over the march of the 'grey goo' in nanotechnology Frankenfoods
1 January 2008 - Daily Mail, UK
- The majority of consumers are against nanoparticles in food
18 December 2007 - Newsfood, Italy
- Think big, think nano, the new area of the food industry
18 December 2007 - Food Navigator, USA
Strong Increase In Nanofood, Molecular Food And Energy From Food Markets In 2007 Worldwide
12 December 2007 - Nanotechnology Now, USA
- 'India aims for household food security'
29 November 2007 - New Mind Press, India
- Nanotechnology a 'bigger concern' than GM foods
29 November 2007 - ABC, Australia
- Nanotech projects for food sector
26 November 2007 - FoodProductionDaily, EU
- EFSA opens the floor on nanotechnology
26 November 2007 - FoodNavigator, USA
- Nanotechnology use in food applications: a scientific and regulatory challenge
14 November 2007 - Reuters, USA
- EU food industry urged to be open about nanotechnology
5 November 2007 - Food Chemical News
- Nanotechnology and Food: Healthier and Tastier Food or a Health Risk?
18 October 2007 - Tech Talk, USA
- EFSA assessing nanoparticles and cloned meat
12 October 2007 - NutraIngredients, EU
- Reliably detecting foodborne pathogens with nanotechnology and encoding/decoding techniques
28 September - NanoWerk, USA
- Taking the NanoPulse -- What's for dinner? Nanotechnology, of course
12 September 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- New nanowire combats E-coli pathogens, says study
3 September - Food Navigator
- Next-generation preservatives with nanotechnology
16 August 2007 - Food Navigator
- Agriculture and Food Workers Challenge Nanotechnologies
9 August 2007 - Scitizen
- Developing Nanotechnology To Test Food Quality
26 July 2007 - Science Daily, USA
- Polymer opal films shed light on spoiled foods
24 July 2007 - Food Profuction Daily, UE
- Developing Nanotechnology To Test Food Quality
22 July 2007 - Science Daily, USA
- Nanotechnology used in additive to keep PLA clear
19 July 2007 - Food Navigator, USA
- EU Parliament votes for tougher additives regulation
12 July 2007 - Food Navigator, USA
- Nanotech Packaging Hailed and Assailed
June - Food & Beverage Packaging
- Grocery Manufacturers Association to study nanotechnology in food packaging
7 June 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Agriculture and food workers question nanotechnology
4 June 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
May 2007 - Clean Food Organic, Australia
- Food and nano ... perceptions of benefits are still what matters most
12 May 2007 - NanoPublic, USA
- Food nanotechnology and public acceptance
8 May 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- The promises of food nanotechnology
27 April 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Former FDA Official Calls for Increased FDA Nanotech Authority
24 April 2007 - Nanotechnology Law Report, USA
- New Worlds: Non-fat Foods Get Nano Punch
11 April 2007 - The Jerusalem Post, Israel
- Old food meets new technologies, leaves food for thought
2 March 2007 - MSU Today, USA
- Ozone nano-bubbles harnessed to sterilise water
28 February 2007 - FoodProductionDaily, USA
- Nano scale coating process developed for baking sector
28 February 2007 - FoodProductionDaily, USA
- Natural Milk Protein Could Lead to Super Nutritious Foods
27 February 2007 - Nanotech Now, USA
- In Denmark, nanotechnology risk research is part of food science
16 February 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Micro-Merlots, Pico-Pinotages, Nano-Nebbiolos
13 February 2007 - Wine.co.za, South Africa
- Are you ready for your nanotechnology engineered wine?
12 February 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Future foods: friend or foe?
6 February 2007 - BBC News, UK
- Nanotechnology food coming to a fridge near you
30 January 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Book 'Em, Nano
24 January 2007 - Washington Post, USA
- Intelligent food wrappers with nanotechnology
18 January 2007 - NanoWerk, USA
- Welcome to the world of nano foods
December 2006 - The Observer’s Food Monthly, UK
- Encapsulation innovation highlights
21 December 2006 - Food Navigator, UE
- Red nano milk?
3 December 2006 - NanoPublic Blog, USA
- Can Nanotechnology Cut Deep-Fried Foods Grease?
19 November 2006 - CBS 5, USA
- Nanotech research holds promise for food industry, say scientists
17 November 2006 - Food Production Daily, France & USA
- Smart ink nanotechnology keeps food safe
14 November 2006 - NanoWerk, USA
- Nanotech food under discussion in Amsterdam
24 October 2006 - Food Production Daily, UE
- Food fight on a tiny scale
21 October 2006 - Time on line, UK
- Nanotech-based synthetic food colorings, frying oil preservatives and packaging coated with antimicrobial agents have quietly entered the market
11 October 2006 - Information Liberation, USA
- Food at Level of Molecules
10 October 2006 - New York Times, USA
- Open Letter to the FDA to Stop Corporations from Lacing Foods, Body Care Products, & Supplements with Dangerous Nanoparticles
23 September 2006 - Organic Consumers Association, USA
- Scientists Worry About Potential Risks of Nanotechnology in Food
7 September 2006 - LiveScience.com, USA
- Experts and consumers convene on nano risks
23 August 2006 - Foodproductiondaily, France
- NanoFood: The Choice is Yours
31 July 2006 - Innovation Watch, Canada
- Lack of nanotech safety research 'serious'
24 July 2006 - Chicago Tribune, USA
- Flavor firm uses nanotechnology for new ingredient solutions
10 July 2006 - Foodproductiondaily, USA
- Scientists urge transparency in nanotech safety testing
12 May - Foodproductiondaily, France
- Report calls for nanotechnology law
19 January 2006 - Foodproductiondaily, France
- Food in the 21st century
August 2005 - Environmental Health Journal
- Safer And Guilt-Free Nano Foods
10 August 2005 - Forbes
- Are You Ready For Nanofood?
20 June 2005 - Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
- Companies in the food industry that are using nanotechnology
5 April 2005 - Google Answers
- Hungry for nano: the fruits of nanotechnology could transform the food industry
25 September 2004 - Science News
- Are scientists putting you off your dinner?
16 May 2004 - The Observer, UK
- FOOD: Edible Nano is the New Frontier
5 September 2004 - ThomasNet, Industrial Market Trends
More on NSEC Website
the use of nanotechnology in
the use of nanotechnology in the food sector is really intersting and need more reseaches and investigations.
i want articles for nanotechnology in food and agriculture