Reiki is treatment for the mind, body and spirit. Reiki energy helps to restore balance to the body on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. It restores physical health, releases negative emotions, reduces stress and brings feelings of inner peace and wholeness. Reiki works to dissolve blockages and balance the energies within the body and also induces a deep state of relaxation, which triggers the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.
Reiki does not dictate, harm or control; rather, it works for the highest good of all. The reiki practitioner can direct the energies to a specific place or problem in the body and the energies will also go to where the body is most out of balance. The healing energies go to the source of the problem and not just the manifesting symptom.
Reiki works in conjunction with all other healing modalities and increases the therapeutic effects of both conventional medicines and alternative remedies. It is not meant to replace conventional medical treatment but, rather, to complement it.
Reiki energy will not work against the free will of the patient.
The person receiving the Reiki treatment lies fully clothed on the Reiki table.
The practitioner will place her hands lightly on the body in a series of gentle hand placements directed at specific areas of the body. Reiki is non-invasive, all natural and has no negative side effects.
Reiki can also be transmitted without touch by holding the hands a few inches above the physical body. Therefore, areas of the body that are too sore to touch or anyone that may have touch issues can still receive a Reiki treatment.
Reiki energy is channeled through the practitioner’s body and exits through the practitioner’s hands. During a Reiki treatment, a variety of sensations may be experienced by the patient, these include:
· sensations of heat or cold
· tingling
· itching
· pressure
· rushing energy movement internally
· a breeze blowing across the body
· emotional release
· or old memories or thoughts surfacing
Some people even fall asleep as they become so deeply relaxed. Depending on the person, some or none of these sensations may be experienced. This by no means indicates that nothing happened during the treatment. The results of a Reiki treatment can be felt immediately or after a long period of time, depending on the nature of the problem.
Reiki is extremely relaxing and calming. Each treatment experience will be different.
The ancient art of crystal healing uses the gentle, transformative properties of the gems. Crystals dissolve stress, remove blockages, support new intentions and bring harmony into the environment. Crystals neutralize negative energies, draw energy away from an over stimulated area or reenergize a depleted one. Their effect is pleasant; they induce a feeling of well-being and harmony.
This form of healing combined with a Reiki session enhances the healing process.
· fatigue.
· aching muscles.
· pre and post operative procedures.
· wounds.
· stress/anxiety.
· insomnia.
· Fibermyalgea.
· intestinal disorders.
· migraines.
· pain management,
· glandular dysfunction.
· broken bones.
· emotional difficulties.
· birthing.
· auto-immune disorders.
· chronic disease, etc can be treated.
These are just a few of the ailments that benefit from this powerful therapeutic treatment.
Acute problems respond quickly to treatment. Long term illness, pain, emotional difficulties or any other long-standing issues which have become chronic may take a longer period of time to be healed.
You may decide to use Reiki treatments proactively once you have returned to a balanced state of health. The final decision regarding treatment will ultimately be determined by you with input from the practitioner.
Our body has a natural healing capacity. However, our actions often get in its way. We feed our body the wrong kinds of food, we overwork it and we don’t allow for proper rest. We also expose our body to constant stress and negativity. We hold onto emotions and attitudes that can short-circuit the body’s’ energy flow causing weaknesses and imbalances. If imbalances are not corrected over time the chakras themselves may weaken and become unbalanced.
Chakra balancing is a hands-on treatment that can help unblock and balance the negative energy that has built up over time in the chakras. When one chakra becomes unbalanced because it is either blocked or overworked, the other chakras have to compensate by changing their levels of energy. This means that the whole chakra system is working on behalf of this affected chakra and is, therefore, imbalanced.
An imbalance on any level will ultimately result in symptoms in the physical body including mental and emotional disturbances. Mental and emotional stresses have been proven to be two of the primary factors in physical disorders. Emotions can affect your nervous system functions, your hormone levels and your immune system.
Chakra balancing is done to keep the flow of life energy evenly distributed throughout the body and a return to harmony and balance. When there is balance the body is more effective in eliminating toxins and negativities that can hinder our body processes.
There are two separate and effective choices of chakra balancing offered:
1. The first is through the use of crystals during a Reiki session. The appropriate coloured crystal is chosen (usually by the client) for each chakra. The crystals are laid in pattern over the chakras and using a quartz crystal, a pendulum and Reiki each chakra is cleared and balanced individually. Following the session discussion is held with the client about the condition of their chakras, guidance is offered on ways to address the root cause of the imbalance.
Refer to the “Reiki” section on this site for more information about Reiki
2. This begins with the traditional Native Indian method of smudging using sage or sweet grass. An aura massage is then performed to smooth, clear and cleanse the aura. The aura massage is done using hands only and done in the auric field outside the physical body. This treatment alone will positively affect the chakras.
An assessment is then performed of the clients’ chakras with the use of a pendulum. Where there are any blockages or hyperactive chakras found they are balanced using quartz crystal and the pendulum along with intention from the practitioner. The client is debriefed on the findings and provided with home treatments and methods to maintain this balance.
The client is generally standing for this assessment and treatment; positional adaptations are made where necessary.
Chakra in the Sanskrit language means “wheel” or “circle”. The chakras are subtle and vital energy centers in the spine. Each chakra represents a major area of life and is also responsible for certain physiological reactions in the body. There are 7 major chakras in the body and they are as follows:
1. Root or Base Chakra
Location- Base of spine
Colour- Red or black
Function-To give vitality to the physical body. Life force, foundation, survival instinct, self-preservation and security
Glands/Organs-Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs and bones
2. Sacral Plexus Chakra
Location-Between navel and pubic bone
Function-Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality, emotions, creativity and sensuality
Glands/organs-ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, uterus
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Location-Above the navel, below the rib cage
Function- This is the power chakra. It rules over our personal power, will and metabolism (digestive processes).
Glands/organs-Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system and muscles
4. Heart Chakra
Location-Center of the chest-it is the middle of the whole chakra system
Colour- Green or pink
Function- Devotion, love, compassion and relationships. Energizes the blood and physical body with life force, blood circulation.
Glands/organs-Heart, thymus, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs
5. Throat Chakra
Location-Throat area
Colour- Sky blue
Function- Speech, self-expression, sound, vibration, and communication
Glands/organs-Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth
6. Brow Chakra (Third Eye)
Location-Center of the forehead between the eyebrows
Colour-Indigo (dark blue)
Element-Light & Time
Function-symbolizes enlightenment throughout history with its purpose being intuition and vision. Vitalizes the lower brain and central nervous system.
Glands/organs-Pituitary gland, left eye, nose, ears
7. Crown Chakra
Location-Above the head
Colour-Violet or white
Element-Thought/will, space
Function-Our connection to the divine. Vitalizes the upper brain
Glands/organs-Pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye
We all create a certain amount of psychic garbage on a daily basis, which leaves a residue in our homes and offices the same way everyday living creates the need for the cleaning and tidying we must do on a physical level. This garbage can accumulate over time from previous owners of the same buildings or homes and stays to have a lasting effect on the new tenants. For example-have you ever felt something “in the air” just wasn’t right, or walked into a room after someone has had a fight and felt you could “cut the tension with a knife”? Or feel that someone or something you cannot see is present in the room with you? -This is psychic garbage and metaphysical disturbances.
Space clearing refers to the art of cleansing and consecrating spaces to bring in the most beneficial frequencies for the occupants. It is a profound and highly effective technique for clearing and revitalizing the energy in buildings, including homes and offices.
Ideally, your home should be clean and tidy before any kind of space clearing ceremony. If you have a HUGE clutter problem, however, space clearing can be used to loosen up the old energy that is clogging up your home. This will make it easier to get started with your clutter clearing efforts. Getting rid of clutter will shake a lot of the stuck energy loose then another space clearing ought to be done following the initial de-cluttering.
The space clearing ceremony is started long before the practitioner enters your home. You are generally requested to stay and participate in the ceremony. If you require assistance with de-cluttering, we are happy to help you with that as well. During and following the ceremony you will learn the skills that will enable you to keep your space free of psychic garbage.
The word "spiritual" refers to the divine nature of energy, which comes from one external, invisible intelligent source. The healing energy from this source is available to all. We often refer to this divine energy as "God". This is not to be confused with religion. An individual’s own belief system is not challenged or compromised with Spiritual Healing. This divine energy is whatever you call it, whatever it means to you within the context of your personal values and beliefs.
The body, mind and spirit are seen as one unit and all three must work in harmony to maintain positive health. Any problem - be it physical, mental, spiritual or emotional, requires the power of healing to restore the balance of the whole person.
Stress, poor diet, negative attitude, inactivity, trauma (emotional or physical) along with many other factors can block our healing mechanism so that it cannot function correctly and we become ill.
Spiritual healing provides the necessary energy which promotes and stimulates our body’s own natural healing abilities.
Maya Abdominal Therapy can release the deep-rooted emotions that underlie many chronic physical complaints that are considered “incurable”. It is said that “our issues are in our tissues”. Arvigo techniques, if used in the abdominal tissues covering the first three chakras, can promote an emotional breakthrough and release of these emotions…and this is a very good thing!
Spiritual Healing may be introduced during a Maya Abdominal Therapy or as a standalone therapy when appropriate, with the individual’s approval and/or request of course.
For information about these individual treatments please view the specific categories in the index. These include: Spiritual Bathing, Reiki, Healing with Crystals, Chakra Balancing and Healing with Dowsing, Spirit Removal and Space Clearing.