HunabKu Healing™ Technique
What is the HunabKu Healing™  Technique?

HunabKu Healing ™ is a shamanic healing technique that vibrates on the frequency 4-4-4 and is here to help in the evolution of the human kind after the quantic jump that will occur in the portal openings of  December 21st of 2012.

HunabKu Healing ™ respects and venerates the use of sacred healing tools but works with the premise that to achieve the maximum level of enlightenment  and to connect with the divine we are all born with the tools in our genetic code, conscience and body.

HunabKu HealingFire:

Hunab Ku fire helps to remove all the contamination on the energetic field created by fear, repression, depression, sadness, loneliness, envy, jealousy  and other negative thoughts and emotions. This contamination generates leaks of energy and keep us from evolving to our true being.

HunabKu Healing Air:

Hunab ku air align us and re-connect us with our divine connection, Hunab Ku air re-constructs and  heals the scars on the magnetic field with love and pure energy from the center of the galaxy, Hunab Ku air activates our high levels of conscience and teach us how to connect to the upper world. Hunab Ku air re-codifies our mental programing and allow us to think clearly, with spirituality and kindness.

HunabKu Healing Water:

Hunab Ku water protects our energetic field from future attacks of lower levels of conscience and the middle world.

HunabKu Healing Earth:

Hunab Ku earth reconnect us to Gaia to stay grounded and in peace, Hunab Ku earth is located on the basic or root chakra and is activated by a series of mudras and divine breathing.

HunabKu Healing ™ belongs to the AHHA - American Holistic Health Association, IARP - The International Association of Reiki Professionals, ICRT - International Center for Reiki Training, ICFT - International Coaching Federation and the International Association of Mayan Shamans.

     In Lak'ech Ala K'in
     I am you and You are me

What is Reiki?

Reiki promotes personal growth, enhances spiritual connection, relaxes and reduces  stress, balances all the energies and emotions in the body, relieves physical pain and promotes overall wellness. 

During a session of Reiki the practitioner holds hands over the chakras or centers of energy of the body, Reiki is also effective on distance healing.

The word Reiki  comes from the Japanese REI which means God wisdom and Ki which means energy flow. Reiki is a simple and natural method of healing that is transmitted to a studen of Reiki through an attunement process.

Reiki was developed Mikao Usui. If our life-force energy we are more capable of being healthy, balanced and happy.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in
I am you and You are me

HunabKu Healing™ was created by Wendy & Stuart Harper with the mission to help you with your spiritual journey by offering a variety of Shamanic Healing tools, Reiki therapies, Pranic Psychotherapy ® , Holistic Coaching, Feng Shui, Mayan Shamanic space clearings, Sound Healing, Aromatherapy,  Conferences, Retreats, Guest Speakers,  Reiki shares  and Workshops.

HunabKu Healing™ has a vast network of Global healers working together to expand consciousness and enlightenment, HunabKu Healing™in Washington DC offers in person healing in a safe, private and comfortable environment, workshops and classes, while our healers in Germany,  Mexico, India and Spain support us with distance healing.

All the healers at HunabKu Healing ™ are recognized around the world for their great labor to promote alternative therapies, all our healers are certified and licensed in different modalities.

HunabKu Healing ™doesn't believe in space or time limitations and focuses on covering the needs of anybody open to healing and personal growth through different energy healing techniques.

Be blessed with hope, love and joy and be guided by your spiritual teachers and angels to grow and shift to your true being, to your oneness and to your purpose.

Mikao Usui developed the system of Reiki Healing, Reiki uses the  Life-Force energy that flows through us to heal every aspect of the human being, spiritual, emotional and physical. The word Reiki  comes from the Japanese REI which means God wisdom and Ki which means energy flow. Reiki is a simple and natural method of healing that is trasmited to a studen of Reiki through an attunement process. MORE INFO

Pranic Psychotherapy ® is a highly advanced and tested energy healing system developed by Master Choa Kok Sui that utilizes prana to balance and harmonize the emotions, to accelerate the process of recovery after difficult and negative situations in life.

Pranic Psychotherapy ® accelerate the healing process of traditional counseling and psychotherapy by re-energizing and aligning the chakras, by removing illegal energy connections and by restoring the thin and delicate layers of the aura.

Pranic Psychotherapy ® offers the ability to quickly and safely release unwanted mental patterns. MORE INFO

What is Sound Healing?

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

In Lak'ech Ala K'in
I am you and You are me

+1 (202) 684 - 3488 & +1 (443) 330- 2888
By Appointment Only
5225 Wisconsin Ave NW  Suite 305, Washington, DC 20015