The Photon Belt

Since May 1998, when Mother Gaia officially entered into the 1st vortex, there is no turning back. Within the next years, Mother Earth will be going through each one of the twelve vortexes of that Light with the intensity that is required for Her purification and preparation for Her ascension process into the 5th dimension.

Since then, the various frequencies and intensity of the Light from the Photon Belt are no longer released at intervals. They are now bombarding the earth much more intensively and constantly. There are a lot of adjustments to be made in this vortex before we can move to the next one. All of humanity, in one form or the other, is feeling the effects of the new energy of this deep cleansing. Every person on Earth is going to have to do whatever it takes to adjust their consciousness and make the necessary changes within themselves to be able to move with and be transformed by that Light.
There is no turning back at this point. You are going to have to decide for yourself now if you want to ride the ascension wave with the planet, be transformed into the new species of humans that will emerge from this transformation, gain your immortality and ascend into the consciousness of the New Earth on the 5th dimensional level, or be crushed by the wave and stay on the 4th dimension (we are in the 4th dimension, not the 3rd; time is a dimension and we must take it in consideration) for another round of incarnations. The choice is entirely yours. The opportunity is for all.
Those who resist the new energy, will not be able to make it through the twelve vortexes. We know that many will choose at soul level and/or at the conscious level to leave or vacate their physical bodies rather than let go of their fears, preconceived ideologies and personal agendas that are not serving the greatest good of all rather than lovingly allow themselves to go through the necessary steps of this transformation. There are also those who would be ready to come along for the ride, but because of their age, will be choosing to make the transformation from the "other side" of the veil. For those precious ones, this option is totally acceptable, and we ask you not to worry for those loved ones, and allow them that choice.
Many of you are already feeling and noticing in your physical and your emotional bodies the effects that are taking place at the cellular and genetic levels. Many of you are experiencing new, unpleasant physical symptoms you never had before, such as, headaches, heart pains, palpitations, chronic fatigue, dizziness, nausea, changing sleep patterns, ringing in the ears, blurring of the vision, and many more. You are also noticing changes in your emotional state. Your bodies are evolving and cleansing themselves. All outmoded, worn-out negative emotions and ways of thinking and perceiving things are coming to the surface to be examined, purified and transformed. Many of you are emotionally confused, and many of you feel "sick". I tell you, this is only temporary. Just hang in there and remain into the frequency of "Love" for yourself and others.
Stay calm and loving, balanced and happy. Let go of all negative emotions and focus on infinite love and pure bliss. Change your diet when you are ready; switch to vegetarian food for its very high vibration and give up to the low vibrational meat. Human beings are not meat eaters by nature (Google for this). Drink only pure water from wells and stop using fluoridated toothpaste. Ask your higher self to help you balance your body and make it ready to receive the new energy.
The time is now, the light will guide you. See you to other side.
I love you all!
“Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion!”