Chemtrails & Haarp

educate-yourself.orgMar 1, 2002.. If you are just beginning to learn about Chemtrails, the following Introductory article below will give you an overview of how this spraying program began in late 1997 and how the situation stood up to early 2000. The overhead spraying of chemtrails has continued

educate-yourself.orgMay 17, 2007. This is a map of HAARP like facilitys in Scandinavia and else where.The big one over here is located in the north of Sweden (Kiruna) in sort of a joint venture with Norway/Finland called EISCAT. It stands for European Incoherent Scattering system.
Das HAARP-Projekt des US-Militrs riskiert den Polsprung ! Technische Details einer Horror-Wissenschaft