Project MMXII ( English )

On this website you will find information about the ongoing process of the development of Project MMXII. Please pop in from time to time, inform others about the Project and please feel free to send me your opinion/suggestion. 
We must be many! We must be strong! We must win!
From from outside to inside - from inside to outside

Wake up.
You literally consist of stardust, your spirit is part of and equal to the great cosmic spirit, you are as large and strong  as the starry sky above you - look at it!
Look at yourself!
How long will you stay passive while you are being manipulated ? How long will you be passively looking at what international corporations and the agenda behind them are doing to you and how they are violating the Earth? They laugh at you, they laugh at all those who would like to improve life here - because they know they have the power on all levels to rule the planet.
But they also know that there is something they have to fear, that something mighty and tremendously powerful will first drain them of all their strength and then sweep them away: the unified and universal human spirit and its cosmic connection.
So join Project MMXII ! We need you, the Planet needs you. Now!
We have started already with the preparations.
In Germany, on April 07, 2010 - and we shall continue!
Nobody can stop the free human spirit - nobody!

The Blue Ribbon Band is crystallizing!

Where do you think you are coming from?
Why do you think you are here especially on this Planet?
Are you happy here on Earth?
Do you think you are ruling your life on your own decision?
And - where do you think you will go to?
If you are not sure  about the answers and if you have any doubts - then click above!

Preliminary outlines of the Project
On a day in July, 2012, yet to be determined, positive likeminded people should congregate at old energy places of our/of your country and if necessary,  to clean them energetically in the sense of Mother Earth, to take them over and thus to build a grid of places which then overlays the country like a sheltering and nourishing shield.
All places connected with the grid in this way are effective downwards and upwards, locally and globally.

 Come back here soon! There will be more to come!