presented and continuously updated by Joachim Koch 

After all these years of researching an extraordinary phenomenon, the Crop Circles in England, we stepped forward across the mere describing of the crop formations to far-reaching insights about the energetic connection of the phenomenon and the surroundig landscape in the midst of which it appeared first. 
We reported  extensively about this in our latest book "Vernetzte Welten" ("Network Worlds").
Here we shall start to make aware of the magic places and power points in Germany, which belong to the same system of "planetary acupuncture" as all the other mounds, menhirs, dolmen, henges, stone circles and pyramids elsewhere in Europe and across the whole planet. This system testifies the existence of cosmic knowledge about the balance or energy and matter. To re-discover these connections, to learn about them and to apply them for the sake of our planet Earth - this is the true message of the intelligence behind the Crop Circle Phenomenon. 

Deutschland Nordost / Germany Northeast

To reach the sites, please click on the red markings.

As far as we have investigated new sites, this page will be updated.
The old Oak Trees of Ivenack
Iven03.jpg (23049 Byte)  Iven01.jpg (26151 Byte)   Iven02.jpg (28339 Byte)  Iven04.jpg (26177 Byte)
The old Oak Tree grove with a tree of  1000 y left  and one of 700 y to the right.

Klein Goernow
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An approx. 10m long and 4000 year old Dolmen at an remarkable site in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Remarkable are the round carvings on only one of the cap stones.

Qual01.jpg (21737 Byte)  Qual02.jpg (22912 Byte)  Qual05.jpg (28498 Byte)  Qual03.jpg (28212 Byte)  Qual04.jpg (28352 Byte)
Dolmen of 11.50 x 2.50 m, 3500-1800 y BC, again with these enigmatic carvings on the cap stone no. 4 (in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

Katbo02.jpg (22287 Byte)  Katbo03.jpg (28527 Byte) Katbo01.jpg (25948 Byte) Katbo04.jpg (27630 Byte)  Katbo05.jpg (26515 Byte)
5000 year old Dolmen of 8 x 2 meter in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is the twin of Qualitz.

The Luebbenstones of Helmstedt
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A very impressive neolithic site SW near Helmstedt (Lower Saxony) with unknown enigmatic 'ornaments' on some of the stones.

Der Menhir aus der Ferne  - The Menhir from afar  Uralte Gravuren nahe der Spitze: zwei alte Ringe und zwei schräge Balken - Ancient markings near the top: two rings and below two stripes  Ca. 6 m entfernt - Ca.6 m afar  
Single Menhir (Saxony-Anhalt) above the lake. Interesting rune-like markings in the upper part.

  Rechteckige Quader bilden die Wände - Rectangular Stones form the walls Sicht gegen die Straße - View towards the road Sonnenuntergang durch die Steine gesehen- Sunset as viewed through the stones Sicht von der Straße - View from the road
Neolithic Dolmen  scratched by a modern road. Upright standing stones form a rectangular chamber  (Saxony-Anhalt).     

  Dros02.jpg (19107 Byte)  Dros01.jpg (17168 Byte)  Dros04.jpg (17747 Byte)
Dolmen 3000 y  BC with a huge cap stone in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Der Dolmen inmitten des Ortes - Hughe stones amidst a village   Die Steine nach Osten - View towards East
Neolithic Dolmen inmidst the village (Saxony-Anhalt)

The 'Gegensteine' of Ballenstedt
Asmu01.jpg (17443 Byte)  Asmu02.jpg (19440 Byte)  Asmu03.jpg (18767 Byte)
North of the Harz mountains in Saxony-Anhalt a long geological stone structure stretches for kilometers across the landscape, the "Devils Wall". At the Western end of it there are the  legendary "Gegensteine". (Gegen=opposite; Steine=stones)

Der Menhir von Benzingerode
The Menhir of Benzingerode

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The Menhir of 4.5 m height is right in the same place since the Neolithic Time near the road to Derenburg in Saxony-Anhalt.